Francis Alÿs
Tornado, 2000 - 2010
Francis Alÿs (1959)
Tornado, 2000 - 2010
Single channel video projection, 5.1 surround sound
31 min 14 sec
For 10 years, Francis Alÿs chased the tornadoes occurring in Milpa Alta on the outskirts of Mexico City. These encounters were recorded in videos that alternate between views of the artist walking towards then entering the tornadoes, and footage from inside their eyes shot by the artist himself. Alÿs has said this work is a reflection on the chaos that surrounds daily life and how we adapt and shift in response, constantly seeking order and calmness among disarray, or despite it. The artist’s gesture alludes to the values of determination and persistence that can reveal the foolishness of our pursuits, while also commenting on the sublime as a force that produces a tension between man and nature.