Thiago Rocha Pitta
The Secret Sharer, 2008
Thiago Rocha Pitta (1980)
The Secret Sharer , 2008
8 min 40 sec
© Thiago Rocha Pitta. Courtesy of the artist and Marianne Boesky Gallery, New York, and Aspen
Thiago Rocha Pitta makes work that reflects on man’s relation to nature and time through archetypal or mythologic characters. The Secret Sharer begins with a dizzying camera at sea, recording the faraway landscape and a city skyline. As the film becomes darker and darker, a metallic object appears floating in the ocean and coming closer to the viewer. Resembling a small boat upside down, the shape reflects the light of the sun as the film becomes completely black. The film takes the title of Joseph Conrad’s The Secret Sharer (1910), a short novel that follows the Captain of a British ship as he becomes aware of his power and command.