Darío Escobar appropriates a tradition present in several Latin American countries, including his native Guatemala: painting the body of trucks. Often, the side and rear panels are intervened with colorful geometric designs, symmetrical patterns that follow the length of the vehicle. Escobar takes up this practice and creates new geometric drawings for the wooden and metal structures that are usually seen on the roads.
Mounted on the wall and joined by hinges, Construcción geométrica No. 6 is a piece that can be opened to reconfigure the panels, making it a dynamic piece. With this gesture, the artist makes reference to the movements that have marked the history of the region, such as Brazilian concrete art, Venezuelan kinetic art, and Madí in Argentina, among others, creative acts that geometric art abstraction from Europe as a starting point. Through works such as this one, Escobar reflects on the cultural and aesthetic models imposed by modernity.
Image: Courtesy of the artist. Studio Dario Escobar, Ciudad de Guatemala